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2024 David and Betty Hamburg Award for Science Diplomacy

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Over the past 30 years, AAAS has honored an international cadre of science diplomacy practitioners whose work lies at the intersection of science, evidence-based decision-making, and diplomacy. In 2021, the award was renamed after David and Betty Hamburg to recognize their unparalleled commitment for the significant role of science diplomacy to advance science, human rights, peace, and cooperation. 


Any individual or small group in the scientific or foreign policy community that has contributed to the role of science cooperation in building stronger links between and among societies is eligible for the AAAS David and Betty Hamburg Award for Science Diplomacy.

  • The award is open to all regardless of nationality or citizenship.
  • The award accepts self-nominations.
  • Nominee(s) must be living at the time of their nomination.
  • Nominee(s) must uphold standards of professional ethics* and scientific integrity.

*Breaches of professional ethics might include sexual misconduct, racial discrimination, or other ethical violations. Sexual harassment or retaliation for declining, objecting to, or reporting harassment or other sexual conduct may constitute a serious breach of professional ethics.